Its not short And its quite good. There were a bit too long static scenes at the start and camera movements weren't very smooth but overall quite good. Good editing btw.
Hi,GF. I've registered on the forum, and I've send PMs to you and Admin, but my account doesn't seem to be activated cause I haven't recieved any mail about it. All I want to ask if I will get any confirmation about my entry being recieved?
I'd really like to see it too, cause when I see a pile up in front (CTRA 1 @SO1 chicane for example) I ease off (gently) to avoid hitting crashed cars and what I get?....I get crashed....WTF is a yellow flag is for?? TBH that pisses me of more than noob-flatout2-styled racers...
I think its gonna be quite easy to implement after Y patch, I don't think that AI will be able to crash on 80-100km/h anyway
Strange but it doesn't work for me with neither IR or Opera. Allthough I suddenly (why only now???DUH!) got an idea of using Download Master and it worked!